Summer brings thoughts of picnics, 4th of July fireworks and barbeques, hot days that can make you yearn for winter, gorgeous blue skies that beckon you outside, bathing suits and shorts (well, for some people!) …. But not much thinking about cooping yourself up in a sewing space. Mine is at the top of my house, and it can get pretty warm in there! So what do you do to keep your quilting life alive in the summer months? I take my quilting magazines outside and sit in a shady spot with my iced tea and read about things I might like to make when it’s cold and damp! I enjoy the balmy weather while dreaming up my wish list of quilts I might make for family Christmas presents and other special events that wrap my loved ones in the warmth a quilt can bring. I catch up with the paperwork and planning that being the President of this Guild requires while I enjoy my grandkids who have time to visit when school is out. Sometimes I get the urge to do some stitching in the evening when the air is cooler and I have “the sewing withdrawals” and have to get into my sewing room for the therapy that sewing provides me. It’s also a good time for hand-work – as long as it’s a project that doesn’t drape all over my lap and legs and add to the temperature!
And slowly but surely I am finding things to put in the bag for Hogg Holler. It takes some time for me to decide if I REALLY want to part with those items that seemed so wonderful when I bought them! Remember to do that before the meeting in August when the Cuzzins from The Holler will take them off your hands.
I’m also looking over my creations to decide which one I will be submitting for our Show! Decisions, decisions!
mary1 And finally it’s UFO challenge time in August. Gotta finish! And while I’m in the groove, I need to get ready for that wonderful August workshop with Karen Combs, who is coming to us from Tennessee and from what I hear, she is going to knock our socks off! (What socks? I haven’t worn socks all summer!)
Happy summer stitching!