Philanthropy Sew Day

The Orange Grove Quilters Guild sew days are at the Driftwood Mobile Home Park located at 15621 Beach Blvd, Westminster (the southwest corner of Beach and McFadden in Westminster.) We meet in their community center, by the pool.

We get started at 9:30 am. Come then or when you can. Stay for the whole time or as long as you can. We usually wrap up by 2:30 PM.

Bring your lunch. We stop and sit, talk, and eat our lunch. It’s a great time to get to know other guild members.

Don’t want to bring your machine? We have lots of things to do. Putting fabrics together for kits. Pre-cutting kits to hand out at guild meetings. Sewing kits to be handed off for quilting. Anything you can think of that will make this a fun productive day.

Philanthropy is always in need of Quilters and Binders. If you are cleaning out your stash, keep us in mind. Right now we need primary colors.

Place:  Driftwood Mobile Home Park located at 15621 Beach Blvd, Westminster 

When: The 1st Wednesday of the month.   9:30(ish) to about 2:30 pm

*We do not have Philosophy Sew Day in July or December.

Questions? contact: Sherry Lincoln



Garden Grove Elks Lodge #1952
11551 Trask Ave, Garden Grove, CA

  • Doors open at 9:00 a.m.
  • The regular meeting is 9:30 a.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
  • December’s meeting is the 1st Wednesday.

Guests are always welcome for a donation of $5.00 per guest.

Mailing Address:

Orange Grove Quilters Guild
PO Box 453
Garden Grove, CA 92842-0453