We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give. –Winston Churchill
As your outgoing president, these words of Winston Churchill prompted me to say thank you to all of you who so generously made my time as your leader so worthwhile. You did the giving, and I appreciated the effort more than you will ever know.
There are so many people to thank that I can’t get to them all in this brief note.
First – to all of you who had a hand in the president’s quilt, and to Susan Johnson, who had to do it twice and each time did it splendidly, THANK YOU! It’s gorgeous and I love it. I will treasure it forever.
There are 41 committees in this Guild, and so many of you stepped up to help, some of you in more than one way. To the chairpersons and their assistants, to those who gave quietly and anonymously, THANK YOU. We would not be the Guild we are without you. As your president I relied on you and you came through. Thank you again, to the moon!!
Being your president was an unforgettable experience. I got back in friendship so much more than I ever expected. My term may be over, but certainly the friendships will go on. I hope you will continue to wave your hand in the air, or sign that clipboard when it lands in your lap asking for help. We are the best Guild because
we have the best volunteers.
I plan to help out wherever I can. See you there!!
Quilt hugs,
Mary Stockard
Remember our jobs are volunteer…. what we get back personally is far greater.