Church Liaison – This individual lives close to our meeting place, Garden Grove United Methodist Church, and would be able to pick up the key either Monday or Tuesday before our general meeting, and then opens the doors before 8:00 AM the day of the meeting. There is a checklist of opening actions, simple things like turning
on lights etc.
Tea and Auction Chair or Co-Chair – The individual(s) would lead the Tea and Auction planning process. There are examples and previous years records to guide the planning. I might have a volunteer to be a co-chair, but would still need someone who plans to actively participate in the process. There will be willing volunteers to assume
responsibility for parts of the planning. The guild has always enthusiastically supported the Tea and Auction. I will be an active participant on the committee.
Philanthropy Chair and Assistants – The individual(s) would participate in defining the future of philanthropy. Set goals, host the sew-in workshops and contact perspective recipient organizations. This position is a board member and will attend the guild board meetings to report accomplishments and bring recommendations for board consideration. The assistants would oversee one aspect of philanthropy, such as pillowcases, baby quilts or veterans quilts. There may be some storage responsibilities.
2016 Opportunity Quilt Planning – If you are interested in helping select a project for the guild, and helping organize everything, then this one is for you. This can be more than one person working together.
If you are interested or need more information, please contact Pam Boozan at 714 962-5231 or 714 318-8673.
“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another
without helping himself.” Ralph Waldo Emerson