Do You Want to Be There!?
On September 26, all branches of the armed services participate at a beach party for approximately 2000 soldiers and their families. It is held at Del Mar Beach at Camp Pendleton.
Several people from the board have volunteered but I would like to open it up to anyone who wants to participate. It is a tradition that Philanthropy attends and distributes baby quilts to children under 2 years old.
If you would like to help at the event, please let Pam Boozan know. Participants will have to stay all day, and carpooling will be organized. If there are more volunteers than we can accommodate, we will draw names out of a hat, so anyone interested has an equal chance of being selected.
Don’t miss this chance to see philanthropy in action, and how our quilts impact family’s lives.
(There will be chairs, shade and food available.)