Spend the day with Jean Impey and create a “Basket Case” quilt of your very own. You may re-create Jean’s unique quilt using her techniques or develop your own layout of a Basket quilt with Jean as your guide.
There is a $5 materials fee due at the workshop.
Visit the workshop table to see Jean’s beautiful Baskets quilt sample.
The workshop is held at 5200 Blackpool in Westminster. The instructor begins teaching promptly at 9 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m. Doors to the room open at 8 a.m. giving participants plenty of set-up time in order to be ready to begin the class on time.
Remember to bring your lunch, drinks and necessary supplies in order to enjoy your day creatively sewing with quilting friends old and new.
Should you have any questions, please contact:
Workshop Chair: Susan Johnson hbgayle(at)msn.com
Workshop Assistant: Ellen Roman kenhutchins(at)roadrunner.com