Membership Report

It’s officially Summer! I hope everyone has something fun planned for the coming warm months. Even if it is “only” staying home and quilting!

At the June meeting we had 151 people in attendance. Everyone got to see those wonderful Group Quilts that Dianne Steele brought for us to view. They were spectacular! Her selvedge class was really fun as well.

We had five guests with us in June, well actually six, but one decided to put her guest fee towards becoming a member! So we had two new members join us in June. Welcome to both those ladies. These new members bring our total to 286.

If you have any friends that are thinking of joining our great guild, when we reconvene in August the membership fee for August to December is only $12.50! Quite a bargain when you know the guest fee is $5 per meeting. We have some more spectacular speakers coming up in the second half of 2014.

So, Happy Summer! Enjoy it, I certainly will.

Bonnie Lippincott

Membership Chairman